Stacey Grantham
Vinyasa Flow and Yin Yoga Instructor // Certified Holistic Nutritionist
Stacey has a passion and gift for teaching and connecting with people. She is accomplished and dedicated in her yoga instruction; empowering her students to feel the wondrous benefits of a safe and fulfilling yoga experience and practice. Stacey is certified to instruct both Vinyasa Flow and Yin yoga, as well as being a Certified Holistic Nutritionist. Besides yoga & nutrition, Stacey has experience educating others in meditation and recovery. She encourages healing from the inside out and welcomes connection and growth.
Phone: 403-561-1633
Email: staceygnutrition.com
Facebook: Stacey G Yoga & Nutrition
Blissfully Rebecca
Holistic Health, Wellness + Nutrition Coach // Transform your mind + transform your body.
Areas of Focus || Empowered Eating + Self Love, Food Sensitivities, Lifestyle + Nutrition Transitions, Weight Management, Stress Management, and Food Cravings
As your health coach, I will support you in developing a unique program that will empower you to achieve your wellness goals. As we work together, you will develop a deeper understanding of the food and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement changes that will improve your energy, balance and health. If you are interested in learning more or to decide if health coaching is right for you, please contact me.
Email: blissfullyrebecca@gmail.com
Facebook: Blissfully Rebecca
Melody Young
Yin Yoga Instructor // AcuYin Yoga Facilitator
Melody’s began her yoga journey as a way to stay in shape, but somewhere along the way she found so much more. practicing daily both on and off the mat became a way of life that brought Melody to her love of teaching. After discovering the profound effect of yin yoga, Melody refined her skills through an intensive teacher training with internationally renowned Bernie Clark. Melody believes that if we move away from focusing on the physical discomforts, a pose can bring a deeper awareness and meditation within each hold, cultivating spaciousness within both the mind and body. It is through this awareness we can bring a sense of calm and balance, into all that we do. Melody teaches with a belief that we all have everything we need inside and everything we have we need. Each time we come back to our mat, each time we find our breath, the opportunity is there to find our beauty within.
Email: young.m@shaw.ca
Facebook: Melody Young - Yoga
Jess LeBlanc
Connection Catalyst || Supporting people connect to themselves, others, personally + profressionally
She is wee and compact but contains big life-force. A juicy conversation and well heated latte bring light to her world even on the darkest day. Her nickname is "Gypsy Jess, the vulnerability catalyst" and she plays a mean hand of Angel Cards (mean, like, dead on). She has been known to survive off tuna + eggs, while living in a van with only one big blue suitcase of belongings. The big spark inside of her that ignites others and their unique gifts to the world is a secret weapon - along with uniting others in community, even when they did not even think it was possible in their old crusty hearts. A yogi + world teacher, wanderlusting lover of hugs + snuggles, leadership consultant, wickedly witty & your newest soul sister.
Jess’ life mission is to be light and love, to ignite and unite and this certainly shines through in all that she does. She aims to truly connect with people and explore their authentically unique gifts and human tenderness. She believes that by opening our hearts to the giving and receiving of love, we cultivate powerful and inspiring communities. She is the founder of Embodied Adventure, a business that provides retreats, workshops and experiences that cause growth and happiness around the globe.
She is a Blissology yoga instructor and has trained and worked with Eoin Finn. Spending many years travelling the world, living abroad, practicing yoga and assisting yoga teacher trainings, engaging in various workshops and personal development courses. She teaches a dynamic Vinyasa flow - expect to move sensually through your practice, be empowered to build internal and external strength, listen and attune to your body, connect to others and deepen your personal relationships. Her Yoga classes ebb and flow to create a safe space that is inclusive and accommodating to all levels while encouraging kindness, play and lots of love
Email: embodiedadventure@gmail.com
Facebook: Embodied Adventure
Sarah Munoz
Reiki Practitioner & Wellness Coach// Balancing the mind, body + spirit.
Sarah is a certified Reiki Practitioner in Masters Training and a Wellness Coach. She always knew there was something greater than herself. Throughout the years she has endured this incredible journey with energy work and it has been life changing. She started Bridging The Light to bring forth the wisdoms she have been given to guide you on your journey and bring balance into the mind, body and spirit. Sarah practices a positive heart centered approach to health and wellness by supporting the mind, body and spirit. Sarah will guide you to fulfillment through Reiki, which is a non-invasive healing method that promotes relaxation and enhances the body's natural healing abilities. You will feel a sense of peace, relaxation and contentment. Through this awakening, she will give you the tools of meditation, self-awareness, positive intentions and affirmations to access your level of consciousness and bring out the best in you!
Phone: 403-463-8289
Email: bridgingthelight@gmail.com
Lindsay Tokar
Offering love, light & yoga instruction since 2015
I began practicing yoga in my hometown of Edmonton in 2005. It was love at the first deep inhale I took! My practice quickly became a part of my daily ritual, being the first thought I had when I woke and the last thought I had as I drifted asleep. I have lived between Calgary and Vancouver over the past 10 years and have enjoyed spreading my wings in many of the local communities yoga studios. I have immersed myself in the styles of Hatha, Yin, Ashtanga, Nidra & Baptiste Power yoga. I was lucky to spend 1 year volunteering at the Chopra Yoga Centre in Vancouver prior to moving back to Calgary in 2012. Alas, an opportunity arose in 2014 to take my yoga teacher training through Hot Yoga on 17th in the style of Vinyasa Flow, taught by Kathy Zorzit & Natalie St. Hilaire.
Yoga has planted the seed of awakening in me. Each time I return to my mat becomes an opportunity to connect to breath and being; to let go and to connect with my inner presence & awareness.
My desire to teach comes from a longing to be of service. To honor and dedicate energy towards those I can inspire, & be inspired by, in my community. To keep my passion alive & relevant through paying it forward. It supports the truth that we are all ONE. I love to share my (com)passion for this endless journey into self that we are all on.
I hope my students’ openness & commitment to the practice will uplift and transform them. That they will find a sense of delight in the opportunity yoga offers to be in the NOW moment, opening our hearts and releasing resistance .
Phone: 403.437.3781
Email: lindsaytokar@hotmail.com
Jessica McDonald
Registered Acupuncturist, Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist, Cupping Therapist
Areas of focus || Sports Therapy, Chronic and Acute Pain, and Stress Management.
When Jessica McDonald began to explore concepts in wellness over a decade ago, she found herself increasingly drawn to Eastern medicine. No matter the question, there was an answer. No matter the ailment, there was a treatment. Traditional Chinese Medicine practices seemed not to be a surface solution, but address the whole person and get to the root of the issue. This concept is the foundation for TCM and for how Jessica chose to live her life.
Today, Jessica is a practitioner of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. She is a graduate of Alberta College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, and a member of the Alberta Governing Board of Acupuncturists (CAAA).
Jessica is deeply embedded in the acupuncture community; in addition to supporting clients in her private practice, provides acupuncture treatments at an addiction treatment centre, and speaks to groups about acupuncture and wellness. Jessica restores her spirit with her dog, Willa, long walks, yoga, reading, cruising on her bike, watching movies, and gardening.
Evolve Acupuncture Ltd.
Instagram: doctor_evolve
Facebook: Evolve Acupuncture Ltd
Caelin White
Clinical and Sport Performance Psychologist
After growing up in Vancouver, I travelled and worked around the world for a number of years before returning to university. I completed my honours degree in psychology at the University of British Columbia in 2006 and my doctoral degree in clinical psychology at the University of Manitoba in 2015. In 2014, I moved to Calgary for my predoctoral clinical residency and quickly fell in love with this young and vibrant city. Being an outdoor enthusiast, Alberta's blend of mountains, rivers, forest, desert, and true wilderness is a slice of perfection. When I'm not engaged in my own training and clinical practice, I'm usually spending time with friends and family. Relationships are very important to me. I'm also passionate about mental health advocacy work.
With respect to my athletic background, I've competed in a number of sports including baseball, soccer, judo, jiu jitsu, football, and rugby. Currently, I compete in ultraendurance obstacle course races and ultramarathons. Participating in these events has taught me firsthand about the factors contributing to resilience and high performance. Although these extreme events are sometimes daunting, I find the gratification of completing them is proportional to their challenge. And being a member of the broader community of competitors, supporters, and fans is both inspiring and humbling. It is truly remarkable what humans are capable of when they possess the right skills, motivation, and support.
Mission Health Clinic
Web: http://caelinwhitepsychologist.com
Email: Caelin@caelinwhitepsychologist.com
Kael Klassen
Teacher || Healer || Guide
I am a teacher.
I am a healer.
I am a guide.
I truly am, and it took me a long time and a lot of lessons to get to the point where I could embrace and honour those titles.
In my life time I have witnessed abuse in close relationships. I have witnessed alcoholism and drug addiction in loved ones. I have had an eating disorder. I was married and divorced within the span of nine months, only ever having gotten married in the first place because of a crippling fear of disappointing people. I spent, quite literally, the first thirty-two years of my life oppressed by the belief that I was a burden and never, ever, enough. And finally, my sweetest blessing in disguise, I almost lost it all to post partum depression.
Post partum depression was the darkest, most difficult six months of my life. It was my absolute rock bottom. But I got through it. And, with much healing and the beauty of hindsight, I came to see that it was the Universe handing me a brilliant, shining second chance. It was the thing that left me naked, raw, and shivering, so that I could start again. It was the thing that broke every single wall that I had spent the last thirty-ish years of my life building up around my heart and left me with this beautiful, all-encompassing, compassionate heart that rules every aspect of my life.
It is my rebirth and I will not waste this second chance.
I am so deeply grateful to all of these experiences.
I know how to be of service because of them. I know compassion because of them. I know myself and the deep wisdom of my heart because of them.
Ultimately, I can see all of those struggles and trials as the beautiful gifts that they were. How they peeled back the layers and knocked down all of my walls, pointing me in the direction of my true purpose; of my soul’s calling.
And yet I can also recognize that I am, we are all, in a process of perpetual transformation.
I recognize how my greatest teacher was, and continues to be, the evolution of my life experience.
I recognize how steady prayer and meditation, journeying with Spirit, the Moon and Mother Earth, deep listening and even deeper surrender nourish the depth and the width and the fecundity of my journey, of my evolution.
I am here to teach, to heal and to guide, not by telling or prescribing, but by openly, honestly, being.
I look forward to sitting with you; to share space, experience, and healing, both yours and mine.
Facebook: Kael Klassen
Website: www.kaelklassen.com
Instagram: @kael.klassen
Hayes Sendall
Born and raised in Calgary, Dr. Hayes Sendall has had a lifelong interest in athletics, successfully competing in hockey, rugby, golf, basketball, and skiing/snowboarding.
His interest in athletics and the physical performance of the human body led him to his undergraduate B.Sc. degree in Exercise Science at the University of Lethbridge. Working as a kinesiologist, Hayes grew to appreciate how helping people heal their injuries, reduce their pain and get back to the activities they love could improve their quality of life. This interest and passion led him to chiropractic school, graduating from Palmer College of Chiropractic (West) in San Jose, California as a Doctor of Chiropractic in 2012. Dr. Sendall has completed his CCSP (certified chiropractic sports physician) certificate, which gives him the specialized clinical skills to service the local and global sports community.
Dr. Sendall believes that an inter-disciplinary approach to health care provides the most beneficial care for patients and therefore is always collaborating with Calgary’s excellent healthcare network. He looks forward to offering these clinical skills along with other techniques to his patients for both injury management and performance enhancement.
Move Health Performance Therapy
Web: https://www.movehealthyyc.com
Email: hayes@movehealthyyc.com
Well they say it takes a village to raise a child and I believe it takes a tribe to maintain balance and live a healthy and happy life. This page is dedicated to a collective of individuals and companies who I am honoured to say are my tribe. Your vibe attracts your tribe and if there's anything to be said about these people on this page, it's that they have all deeply influenced my path to health and wellness and I want to share their greatness with you.